Statement of Rep. Smith on Ruling Against Proposed JCP&L Power Line


Date: March 8, 2018
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy Legal

The following is a statement of Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) on the decision of an administrative law judge on Thursday against the proposed Jersey Central Power & Light power line in Monmouth County:

This was the right decision that took seriously and upheld the legitimate concerns of local residents against the Monmouth County Reliability Project (MCRP). I have had the opportunity to walk the route of this proposed project and stand in the schoolyards and backyards which would lie in the shadows of the proposed MCRP monopolies. Most importantly--and out of an abundance of caution--I opposed the JCP&L project as proposed because of potential health hazards to children due to daily exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields. Rachel Kanapka was a rock star in this effort to fight the project, along with her group Residents Against Giant Electric (RAGE).
